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  /  News   /  More Americans identify as Republican: Gallup poll

More Americans identify as Republican: Gallup poll

(NewsNation) — The wins keep coming for the Republican party, this time in the form of a Gallup poll on political allegiance.

A recently released 2024 Gallup survey of 14,000 American adults revealed that 46% identified as Republicans or GOP-leaning independents, compared to 45% who identified as Democrats or Dem-leaning independents.

It is the third consecutive year the GOP has claimed the majority; a shift during the Trump era of American politics.

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Since Gallup began polling political leanings and identification in 1991, Republicans had only edged out Democrats once (1991) before 2022.

Independent identification also grew, equaling a record-high 43%. There was an equal split of those who said they were either Republican or Democrat (28%).

“There have been slightly larger-than-average increases in Republican identification and leaning among Hispanic Americans (from 27% to 36%), young adults (33% to 39%), lower-income Americans (36% to 41%), those without a college degree (45% to 50%), Catholics (42% to 47%) and Black Americans (12% to 17%),” the report noted.