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(NewsNation) — Vice President Kamala Harris’ White House bid would be best served with the addition of Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, NewsNation political editor Chris Stirewalt said Friday on "Elizabeth Vargas Reports." Her "nomination by acclamation" and the potent party support following President

(NewsNation) — The Democrats’ switch from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris as its presumptive 2024 presidential nominee cost the party three “keys” to victory, but four more are in play, according to the historian who came up with the “key”

Patrick Byrne, who has funded efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election, said in an online forum Thursday that law enforcement would face “a piano wire and a blowtorch” if they did not drop a case against an

(NewsNation) — A million dollars used to feel like a lot of money, but nowadays, it's barely enough for a "starter home" in more than 200 U.S. cities, according to new research. An analysis by Zillow found that the typical "starter home"

(NewsNation) — Presidential candidates are hitting the 2024 campaign trail ahead of the November election. NewsNation will stream their appearances live here. Find your NewsNation channel by entering your zip code The campaign season so far has been somewhat atypical. Former President

(NewsNation) — The second and final presidential debate is currently scheduled for Sept. 10 but with President Joe Biden out of the race, a lot could change over the next month. Biden has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now

President Biden is no longer running for reelection, but former president Donald Trump and his Republican allies seem determined to keep him in the spotlight for weeks to come. For years, the GOP laid the groundwork for an election centered on

CHICAGO (NewsNation) — Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson insists that the city was “born ready” to host major events like next month’s Democratic National Convention, but the arrival of upwards of 25,000 immigrants and asylum seekers from the U.S. southern border could

Vice President Harris’s campaign is dubbing Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) a “disaster” as former President Trump’s choice of a running mate, suggesting Trump could be soon be regretting his decision. In an email with the subject line, “Buyer’s Remorse: Trump’s VP

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) on Friday addressed the firestorm brewing around his recently resurfaced remarks that the country was being run by “childless cat ladies,” calling it a “sarcastic comment” and pivoting to attack Democrats as “antifamily.” “I know the media

Lurking beneath Democrats’ ebullience this week is the reality that their new likely 2024 presidential nominee could be a tough sell to swing voters. Vice President Harris has gotten a bump in her image ratings since she jumped into the

The British government has dropped plans to oppose the International Criminal Court’s application for an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in

A group of 45 American physicians and nurses who volunteered in hospitals across Gaza have sent an open letter to US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala

(NewsNation) — A former U.S. Secret Service (USSS) agent believes the investigation into law enforcement’s response to former President Donald Trump's attempted assassination will likely uncover “a lot of mistakes.” “I think, with any significant security failure in the overall plan,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Florida on Friday for a meeting with former president Donald Trump at a time of political tension between their countries and personal tension between the two men, who were once close allies. The pair