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  /  News   /  Released JFK files could be ‘embarrassing’ to CIA: Journalist

Released JFK files could be ‘embarrassing’ to CIA: Journalist

(NewsNation) — An investigative journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist said that while the release of thousands of classified government documents about the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy may not put any conspiracy theories to rest, they will likely be “embarrassing” to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

“I think these files won’t prove that (the CIA) was behind the effort to kill the president, but I think they will be embarrassing to the agency about how much they knew that Oswald was unhinged in the weeks before the assassination,” Gerald Posner told NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas. “They never told the FBI. So to the extent the files show that it will be embarrassing to the agency, and it should be, because we need to see these after all these years well.”

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Trump had promised during his reelection campaign to make public the last batches of still-classified documents surrounding Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, which has transfixed people for decades. He made a similar pledge during his first term but ultimately bent to appeals from the CIA and FBI to keep some documents withheld.

Posner cautions, however, that if you’re looking for what he calls an “X-Files” moment, you’re probably going to be disappointed.

Nevertheless, Posner said there will be “important information” in the released files.

“There are still files about the Bay of Pigs, the failed invasion there. There are things about the Mafia, CIA plot to kill (Fidel) Castro. There’s some Mexican intelligence material on Oswald. So we’ll fill in part of the history, but I don’t think it will put the conspiracy theories to rest,” he said.