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  /  News   /  ‘Second Amendment Summer’: DeSantis unveils guns sales tax holiday

‘Second Amendment Summer’: DeSantis unveils guns sales tax holiday

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a new statewide sales tax holiday in a news conference Monday.

“Second Amendment Summer” would run from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July.

Under the new sales tax holiday, firearms, ammunition and related accessories will be available for purchase in Florida without added sales tax.

According to DeSantis’ “Focus on Fiscal Responsibility” budget proposal, the firearms-related sales tax holiday is projected to save Floridians $8 million.

When asked if he expected pushback from the Florida Legislature on the newly proposed sales tax holiday, DeSantis said he expects it “to be wildly popular.”

“Why would they want to fight back on that? This is something that their voters would expect them to support,” DeSantis said.

The governor unveiled another new sales tax holiday for marine fuel in addition to a few “oldies but goodies,” like two disaster preparedness sales tax holidays for hurricane season, a 14-day back-to-school sales tax holiday and the “Freedom Month” sales tax holiday, which “covers outdoor recreation purchases such as supplies for camping and fishing and other outdoor activities.”