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  /  Investing Analysis   /  Teenage girl killed in shark attack while swimming at Australia tourist spot

Teenage girl killed in shark attack while swimming at Australia tourist spot

A female swimmer has died in a shark attack in the waters off a popular tourist spot on Australia’s east coast, authorities said.

Emergency crews were called to the Woorim Beach at Bribie Island, about 80 kms (50 miles) north of Brisbane around 5 p.m. local time on Monday following reports of a serious shark bite incident, Queensland state police said on Monday.

“The female was swimming when she was bitten by a shark … the female sustained life-threatening injuries and succumbed to those injuries,” a police spokesperson said in an email.

Police did not disclose the age of the victim though Australian media widely reported the victim was a 17-year-old girl.

Christopher Potter, a resident, said the beach is frequently used by swimming groups through the day.

“It’s known there are a lot of sharks around Bribie, but this close to shore, it’s still a shock,” he told Australian public broadcaster ABC News.

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